Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another amazing day of fishing and seeing penguins and seals! I took two more people from town out fishing today (Janae and Kayla). We drove two hours out to the Cape Evans wall. We drilled three holes and started fishing. We had an AMAZING day fishing! We caught so many fish so quickly, sometimes my lure hadn't even hit the bottom and there was already a fish on my line!

Kayla catching a very gravid (egg bearing/pregnant) female Trematomus bernacchii.

Janae catching one of our first Pagothenia borchgrevinki.

Kayla getting another with the "Barbie" pole!

When we were almost done fishing, I wanted to take a group photo. Right when we were posing for the shot, Kayla caught a fish and started reeling it up during the picture. Perfect timing.

 True group shot at the end of the day...with the Trophy!

On our way home, we encountered some wildlife on the sea ice. First we came across a Weddell seal laying almost in the road. We stopped to take pictures of it and the great view that we had of Mt. Erebus as well.

And of course, we came across some more Emperor penguins on our way home. We were very close to the station (you can see some of it in the background) and had a lot of fish in the back of our Pisten Bully so we didn't stop and enjoy the penguins for too long, but we got some great shots and had another incredible day!

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