Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Well, today was another excellent day of fishing. Marissa and I took two people from town out fishing with us (Ralph and Grant). We went out to Inaccessible Island again and had to drill holes with the Jiffy Drill. The ice is over six feet thick so it gets pretty exhausting running the drill. Here we are all taking turns on the drill.

Next, it was time to fish. And fish we did! It was brutally cold today with the wind. About -30 F with the wind chill. But we toughed it out and caught a good number of fish! Here I am, getting ready to rock with the Barbie pole!

Ralph catching one of his first Antarctic fish.

Grant braving the elements in the name of science.

Here is a cool panoramic that Marissa took of us fishing. Mt. Erebus is in the far back, our PB is in view on the left and you can see some of Inaccessible Island on the far right.

I will never get tired of this! It was another incredible day!

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