Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Today was a pretty low key day. We spent all day inside because it the weather was pretty rough. It was snowing and blowing all day. One thing that I did do was measure and weigh all of the fish we caught on Sunday. We caught 52 fish on Sunday, but I was only able to weigh and measure 51. The reason for that was because one of the fish had recently eaten another one in the tank! I even saw the last part of the tail in its mouth!!! Here are some pictures of our fish in the tank and of me taking measurements.


As you can see, most of our fish are between 150 - 230 mm (6 - 9 inches) long. Their weight range is between 25 - 250 grams (1 - 9 ounces).

After weighing and measuring the fish, I wanted to step outside to get a glimpse of one of the last sunsets we will have down here. The last sunset will be on Tuesday, October 23. It will set at 1:30 am and rise again at 1:50 am. After that, it won't set again till late February. I don't know if I will be able to stay up for it so I took this opportunity to get a shot of the second to last sunset. It is a little tough to see, but just above/below the McMurdo Station sign you can see the last little glimmer of sunlight from Monday night. It was a slow day, but this really made for an awesome end to the day!

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